
LocationTextInput extends TextInput and adds an icon to get the user's current location

Example Usage

<div class='ui-location-text-input-example'></div>
// Pull in the library
const UI = require('jibe-juice');

// Instantiate a component, pass the selector of the container to insert component into and the opts
const myInput = new UI.LocationTextInput('.ui-location-text-input-example', {
  placeholder: 'What up?',
  submitHandler() {
    console.log('the enter key has been pressed!');

myInput.subscribe((value) => {
  console.log("the current value is: ", value);

// Render the DOM for the LocationTextInput component


elstringundefinedA string of the selector for the element to put the component in
optsobject{}A catch all for various options. See the opts table below for options specific to this component.


currentLocationTextstringundefinedThe text to display for "use my current location"
placeholderstring''The placeholder text for the input
submitHandlerfunction() => {}The function to execute when enter is pressed